Indium Solder Wire

Indium solder wire is a type of low-melting-point indium alloy, mainly used for welding precision thermosensitive components and achieving full sealing.

Aster offers three different types of indium solder wire, including In100 (100% indium), In97/Ag3 (97% indium and 3% silver), and In52/Sn48 (52% indium and 48% tin). In100 is pure indium, suitable for welding to glass, ceramics, and quartz crystals, with a melting point of 157°C. In97/Ag3 has a melting point of 143°C, with increased strength, typically used for low-temperature welding. In52/Sn48 is an indium alloy with added tin, with an extremely low melting point of only 118°C, suitable for handling thermosensitive components that require low welding temperatures.

The physical characteristics of indium-based solder materials include low melting point, good compatibility, excellent physical properties such as high strength, good conductivity, and thermal conductivity, as well as low toxicity. These properties make indium-based solder materials one of the important specialty solder materials in microelectronic assembly.

Indium solder wire is highly suitable for specific application areas such as precision electronic welding due to its low melting point and excellent physical properties, although factors such as cost and solder joint strength need to be considered.

Common questions with Indium Soldering Wire

During the soldering process using indium solder wire, several common questions may arise:

  1. Material Selection: Choosing the appropriate indium solder is crucial for soldering quality. Different solder materials should be selected based on the materials being soldered, considering soldering conditions and environmental factors such as temperature, pressure, oxygen content, and humidity.
  2. Preparation: Before soldering, the area to be soldered should be cleaned thoroughly to remove impurities such as oil and oxides. This helps ensure the quality and strength of the solder joint.
  3. Soldering Defects: Various soldering defects may occur during the soldering process, including cracks, undercutting, overlap, voids, spattering, etc. These defects can be external or internal and may weaken the strength of the solder joint or affect its appearance. Therefore, understanding the causes of these defects and taking preventive measures is essential.
  4. Soldering Cracks: Soldering cracks are one of the most critical defects to avoid. They are often caused by localized rupture due to stress and cooling effects. Cracks can be longitudinal, transverse, crater-shaped, radiating, or branched. Depending on the temperature at which they occur, cracks can be categorized as hot cracks or cold cracks. Hot cracks occur during the solidification and crystallization process of the solder joint, while cold cracks appear as “delayed” cracking defects after the solder metal has solidified.

In summary, to avoid issues during the soldering process, it’s crucial to select the appropriate soldering material, ensure cleanliness of the soldering area, and understand and prevent soldering defects. Additionally, appropriate measures should be taken to prevent serious defects like soldering cracks from occurring.