Sello de vacío de indio

Sello de vacío de indio destaca como un material superior para crear sellos herméticos herméticos al helio, uniendo metales y sustratos no metálicos como vidrio y cerámica. Su versatilidad se extiende a entornos criogénicos, bombas de vacío y áreas sensibles al calor, donde garantiza una contención confiable.

Cuando el indio sirve como sellador, inicia un enlace químico con las superficies que conecta, distinto de la mera formación de barrera de otros materiales de juntas. En particular, los sellos de indio demuestran resistencia contra golpes mecánicos, vibraciones y temperaturas extremas, lo que los hace indispensables en aplicaciones exigentes.

Una propiedad inherente del indio es su tendencia a desarrollar una película de óxido en su superficie. Para establecer una unión impecable con un sustrato, esta película debe romperse mediante compresión y deformación plástica. Este proceso, facilitado por la maleabilidad del indio, se produce fácilmente incluso a temperaturas criogénicas, lo que garantiza un sellado eficaz.

The quality of an sello de indio hinges upon several factors:

  1. Pureza y limpieza: Se prefieren los niveles óptimos de pureza de indio de 99,99%, aunque algunas aplicaciones exigen una pureza de indio de 99,999%. Los contaminantes, especialmente los compuestos orgánicos, deben eliminarse mediante desengrase. Los óxidos de la superficie se pueden eliminar con una breve inmersión en ácido clorhídrico 50%, seguido de un enjuague con agua desionizada.
  2. Preparación de la superficie: Todas las superficies deben someterse a una limpieza y secado a fondo. Las superficies de vidrio y cerámica requieren tratamiento con ácidos crómico y sulfúrico, seguido de ácido clorhídrico y enjuague con agua desionizada. Las superficies de metal indio pueden estar desnudas, preestañadas con indio o recubiertas con indio o plata. El acabado de la superficie debe ejecutarse con cuidado, sin pulir excesivamente ni alterar con abrasión.
  3. Espesor y forma del indio: El espesor del sello de indio varía según el área de la superficie y la fuerza de compresión. En aplicaciones de ranura con junta tórica de indio, el sello de indio debe exceder las dimensiones de la ranura en 5-15% cuando se comprime. Los segmentos superpuestos de indio pueden sustituir una arandela continua en ciertos escenarios. Los sellos bien formados presentan tasas de fuga inferiores a 2 x 10-7 torr x litro/seg.

Al seguir procedimientos meticulosos para la selección de indio, preparación de superficies y configuración de sellos, los ingenieros pueden garantizar la confiabilidad y efectividad de los sellos herméticos en aplicaciones críticas.

infium seal

Propiedades físicas

One of the most notable physical properties of indio is its exceptional ductility and malleability. Indium possesses a Mohs hardness of just 1.2, significantly lower than that of copper (2.5-3) and aluminum (2-2.9), making it much softer and easier to deform.

It has a relatively low melting point of 156.6°C, allowing it to be easily molded into various shapes and sizes, such as preforms and wires, to fit specific sealing applications.

Indium can be fabricated into thicknesses ranging from thin (0.008 inches) to thick (0.062 inches), depending on the mating surfaces and required compressive forces.

Chemical Properties

Indium’s chemical properties also play a crucial role in its suitability for sealing applications. The metal forms self-passivating oxide layers that can be easily removed with an acid etch, which is essential for creating clean, effective seals.

The ultra-high purity of indium, often reaching levels of 99.99% or even 99.999%, is necessary to prevent hardening at low temperatures and to restrict impurities of elements with low vapor pressure, ensuring reliable vacuum, hermetic, or cryogenic seals.

Sealing Characteristics

Indium‘s ability to form hermetic seals without the need for heat is particularly advantageous in environments where heat or solder flux might cause issues such as outgassing.

When used as a sealant, indium initiates a chemical bond with the surfaces it connects, offering superior sealing capabilities compared to other gasket materials which merely act as barriers.

This property allows indium seals to maintain their integrity even under mechanical shock, vibration, and extreme temperatures, making them indispensable in demanding applications.

Preparación de la superficie

Proper surface preparation is critical for achieving high-quality indium seals. Surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and dried, with specific treatments for different materials. For example, glass and ceramic surfaces should be treated with chromic and sulfuric acids, followed by a hydrochloric acid and deionized water rinse.

Indium metal surfaces may require pre-tinning or plating with indium or silver to ensure optimal bonding.

The removal of surface oxides through compression and plastic deformation is facilitated by the malleability of indium, ensuring effective sealing even at cryogenic temperatures.

Indium’s versatility extends to its use in forming helium-tight hermetic seals, capable of bridging metals and non-metallic substrates like glass and ceramics. This makes indium an essential material in applications requiring reliable performance in vacuum pumps, cryogenic environments, and other heat-sensitive areas.

Indium Vacuum Sealing Technology

Indium vacuum sealing technology leverages the unique properties of indium to create reliable and effective seals in a variety of applications, including cryogenic environments, vacuum pumps, and heat-sensitive areas.

This technology is particularly valued for its ability to form helium-tight hermetic seals, bridging both metallic and non-metallic substrates like glass and ceramics.

Properties and Advantages

Indium is characterized by its low melting point, high malleability, and ductility, which make it an ideal material for vacuum sealing.

Unlike gaskets made from other materials that only form a barrier, indium creates a chemical bond with the surfaces it connects, enhancing the seal’s resilience against mechanical shock, vibration, and low temperatures.

A notable feature of indium is its tendency to develop an oxide film on its surface. To establish a pristine bond with a substrate, this oxide film must be disrupted through compression and plastic deformation, a process facilitated by the metal’s malleability.

This ensures effective sealing even at cryogenic temperatures without the need for heat.


Indium vacuum seals have a wide array of applications due to their unique properties and ability to operate effectively under extreme conditions. The versatility of indium seals makes them suitable for industries ranging from aerospace and automotive to medical and industrial sectors.

Aerospace and Automotive
In the aerospace and automotive sectors, indium seals are used for their excellent sealing properties and their ability to maintain a vacuum under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. This ensures the integrity of components and systems that operate in harsh environments.

Medical and Industrial
The medical and industrial applications of indium vacuum seals are extensive. Indium seals are used in medical devices and equipment that require high purity and reliability, such as diagnostic tools and bioimplants. For instance, personalized medicine and point of care (POC) diagnostics often rely on devices that operate at a molecular level, where the precise functioning of seals is crucial.

Smart Technology Integration
A growing trend in diseño de sello de indio is the integration of smart technology. With the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT), there is an increasing demand for sealing solutions that can monitor and control various processes in real-time. Indium seals are well-suited for these applications due to their unique properties, allowing them to be used in a wide range of scenarios. By incorporating sensors and other smart devices into indium seals, manufacturers can create more efficient and intelligent sealing solutions.

Surface Analytical Techniques
In the realm of ultra-high vacuum (UHV) applications, indium seals are critical for maintaining the vacuum conditions necessary for surface analytical techniques. These techniques include X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and others. UHV conditions are essential to reduce surface contamination during these analyses. Indium seals help achieve the stringent vacuum conditions required for these high-precision techniques, enabling accurate and reliable measurements.

Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies such as anti-fouling properties, bioimplants, and diagnostic devices also benefit from the use of indium vacuum seals. These applications require a fundamental understanding of biointerfaces and the ability to maintain sterile and contaminant-free environments. Indium seals contribute significantly to these fields by providing reliable sealing solutions that meet the rigorous demands of modern technology.


Un sello de vacío de indio is a specialized sealing technology that leverages the unique properties of indium, a post-transition metal known for its malleability, ductility, and ability to form hermetic seals. Indium vacuum seals are highly valued for their ability to form helium-tight hermetic seals by chemically bonding with the surfaces they connect. This chemical bonding, as opposed to merely acting as a barrier, ensures superior sealing capabilities that withstand mechanical shock, vibration, and extreme temperatures.