Indium Wire Vacuum Seal

Indium wire can be used for vacuum sealing applications due to its low melting point, malleability, and ability to create reliable seals. Here’s a basic procedure for using indium wire for vacuum sealing:

Prepare the Surfaces: Ensure that the surfaces you want to seal are clean and free of any contaminants. This is crucial for achieving a good seal.

  1. Cut the Indium Wire: Cut the indium wire to the desired length using clean tools to prevent contamination.
  2. Place the Indium Wire: Position the cut indium wire between the surfaces you want to seal. Make sure it’s evenly placed along the sealing area.
  3. Apply Pressure: Apply gentle pressure to the surfaces to ensure good contact with the indium wire. This will help in creating a uniform seal.
  4. Heat the Indium: Indium has a relatively low melting point (156.6°C or 313.9°F), so you can use a heat source like a soldering iron or a hot plate to melt the indium wire. Apply heat evenly along the sealing area until the indium melts and forms a seal between the surfaces.
  5. Cool Down: Allow the indium to cool down and solidify. This will ensure that the seal sets properly.
  6. Test the Seal: Once the seal has cooled, you can test its integrity by subjecting it to vacuum pressure or other relevant conditions. Ensure that there are no leaks and that the seal holds up under the desired conditions.
  7. Clean Up: Clean up any excess or spilled indium carefully, as it can be toxic if ingested. Dispose of any waste properly according to safety regulations.

Remember to take necessary safety precautions when working with indium, including proper ventilation and handling procedures to minimize exposure. Additionally, ensure that the equipment and materials used are compatible with the vacuum sealing process.