O que você deve saber ao usar fio de índio?

The indium metal is very soft, the indium wire with a diameter of 0.5-0.8mm is very easy to break, especially the indium wire with a diameter of 0.5mm will break after a slight pull. The larger the diameter, the stronger the tensile strength of indium wire, from 1.0mm onwards, indium wire is not very easy to break. The higher the purity of indium wire, the softer the texture and the higher the viscosity.

The metal indium has the characteristic of mutual adhesion, so pure indium wire is particularly easy to adhere to each other, as long as indium wire touch together slightly, they stick together, it is difficult to separate, especially the indium wire with a diameter of 0.8mm or less can not be separated after adhesion, as soon as they are separated, they will break or the surface will be severely pulled.

The difference between pure indium wire and indium tin alloy wire: indium wire and indium tin alloy wire of the same diameter, the tensile strength of indium wire is much weaker, the higher the proportion of tin in indium tin alloy wire, the harder the texture of the wire, the higher the tensile strength. Pure indium wire has a strong mutual viscosity, while indium tin alloy wire has a weaker mutual viscosity than pure indium wire, and the higher the proportion of tin is, the less sticky it will be.