
An indium O-ring is a type of sealing ring or gasket primarily made from indium or an indium-based alloy. O-rings are circular elastomeric seals with a round cross-section, designed to be placed in a groove and compressed between two or more parts to create a seal.

Indium O-rings have specific properties that make them suitable for certain applications:

  1. Softness and Malleability: Indium is a soft and malleable metal. Indium O-rings can deform and conform to irregularities in mating surfaces, creating a tight seal even in challenging sealing environments.
  2. Hermetic Sealing: Indium is known for its excellent sealing properties. Indium O-rings can provide hermetic seals, effectively preventing the leakage of gases or liquids. This feature makes them valuable in vacuum systems, cryogenic applications, and other environments where maintaining a controlled atmosphere is crucial.
  3. Low Temperature Sealing: Indium has a relatively low melting point, allowing indium O-rings to maintain their sealing effectiveness even at low temperatures. This property is beneficial in cryogenic applications and other situations where traditional elastomeric seals may fail due to extreme cold.
  4. Compatibility: Indium is compatible with various materials commonly used in engineering and manufacturing, such as metals and ceramics. Indium O-rings can provide effective sealing in a wide range of applications without causing corrosion or other compatibility issues.

Applications of indium O-rings include:

  1. Vacuum systems: Indium O-rings are commonly used in vacuum chambers, vacuum pumps, and other vacuum equipment to maintain a high vacuum level by preventing gas leakage.
  2. Aerospace: In aerospace applications, where maintaining a hermetic seal is critical for the performance and safety of equipment.
  3. Semiconductor manufacturing: Indium O-rings are used in semiconductor manufacturing equipment to ensure a clean and controlled environment during the fabrication process.
  4. Cryogenic systems: Indium O-rings are suitable for sealing applications in cryogenic systems, such as those used in medical devices, superconductors, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities.

Overall, indium O-rings offer unique sealing capabilities that make them valuable in demanding applications where traditional elastomeric seals may not be effective.